Thursday, October 27, 2011

RSS Feed reader....Say Whhaaatt??

Honestly, I'd never heard of this...EVER...I've always seen the little tabs that said RSS or the symbol, but I never paid much attention to it. After using Google Reader the past couple days, I do see benefits of it. It cuts down on the average time spending to look for recent news and it also filters out what you really want to read about. I could definitely see it being beneficial, especially for business oriented minds. They would be able to keep up with the ever changing stock market and flow of business at a much faster and easier pace. Some drawbacks would be having to actually go through and mark and star the ones that you like and also the fact that when you follow it, as far as I can tell, you follow everything that they post. This could be a real drawback. I don't think I'll be using the RSS feed anymore just because I only visit a handful of websites a day, none of which are "too much to handle."

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